Ideas for starting a business can come from anywhere. You canbe forced to start a business from the very urgent needs of life. You can alsoget inspiration from successful entrepreneur figures.
From these successful business people, you can learn manythings in starting a business. Everyone has their own story and must face theirown problems. They also go through a long process of ups and downs to get tothe highest point.
As a big businessman, the name Bob Sadino is quite popularamong Indonesian people. He is the man behind the big name Kem-Chicks. BobSadino is also known as a simple figure in terms of appearance and demeanor.
This man who was born on March 9, 1939 in Lampung has donemany ways to achieve success. The owner's full name, Bambang Mustari Sadino,was a BUMN employee for 9 years. Bob Sadino decided to stop and swerve into thebusiness world.
He finally decided to rent a car as well as a personaldriver. Unfortunately, the business had to stop because he had an accident. Notgiving up, Bob runs another business opportunity, namely selling chicken eggs.
The business of selling chicken eggs became the forerunner ofhis supermarket. A very popular saying from him is “A good business is abusiness that is run”.
The name Chairul Tanjung is also a successful entrepreneurwho can be an inspiration for you. CT, as he is known, is the owner of CT Corp.which oversees many companies in it. However, Chairul Tanjung did notimmediately succeed.
Chairul Tanjung had experienced many failures in businesswhen he was young. While still in college, CT sold books, received t-shirtmaking services, and photocopying services. This effort was made to obtaintuition fees.
Not only that, he also started a business selling and buyinglaboratory equipment and a rattan business. Unfortunately, all his effortsfailed. However, CT took advantage of the relationships he built.
In the end, CT Corp was born thanks to his hard work in thebusiness world. The thing that can be taken is to remain diligent in trying inthe midst of failure is the key to success.
People may know Susi Pudjiastuti as an outspoken person wholikes to speak plainly. Behind that, Susi is a successful entrepreneur withmany achievements. This woman who was born in Pangandaran, January 15, 1965 isthe owner of the Susi Air company.
However, Susi has started honing her business spirit sinceshe was in junior high school. Susi helps her two parents to start thelivestock business, from cows to fish. After graduating from high school, he nolonger continued his studies and focused on business.
Thanks to consistency and perseverance, Susi was able toexpand her business to many areas. For that, he even bought a plane to helpwith the delivery of fish. However, the airline, which is named Susi Air, iseven more recognized by many people.
Not without reason, Susi often provides assistance to manydisaster locations with her ship. This is also Susi's step to invest kindnessin running her business.
Many do not know the figure of Yasa Singgih as a successfulentrepreneur. The founder of the Men's Republic brand has been running hisbusiness since he was young. His father had a heart attack and the family didnot have the funds to operate.
This reason started to make Yasa start running his onlinebusiness. Initially, Yasa sold decorative lights online. Because that didn'twork, Yasa turned to the fashion business. He also began to market shirts madein the country.
Almost every day he goes to Tanah Abang to collect supplies.While selling, Yasa still works in an office to supplement his income. Theresults of these savings, he also allocated again to build a coffee shop.
Some of his businesses may no longer operate. The influenceof the economy and the tough competition are the reasons many businesses areclosing. However, now Yasa still has a fashion business called Republic.
This young man born in 1993 can already be included in thecategory of successful entrepreneurs in Indonesia. Hamza has succeeded inoccupying the chair of the main director when he was only 22 years old.
His business spirit has been seen since childhood. Hamzah hasstarted selling newspapers, firecrackers and marbles to his peers. Not onlythat, he was not ashamed to be a parking attendant and an umbrella taxi driverwhen he was still in school.
Hamzah also continued his business by selling online gamecharacters which were a trend at that time. Income from buying and sellingcharacters can reach millions of rupiah. He also continued the business byselling pulses while continuing to collect money.
Until one day, he got a tutoring business opportunity(bimbel). Unfortunately, Hamzah did not have sufficient capital. Luckily hisfather wanted to lend money. Even if it's not enough, the owner of the tutoringfranchise allows repayment by installments.
In his 20s, Hamza was able to earn more than IDR 500 millionper month. Even so, he still wants to continue his studies to continue to honehimself.
Maicih chips have become a very popular snack in Indonesia.His greatness cannot be separated from the figure of Reza Nurhilman who startedhis business in 2010. At that time, Reza was only 23 years old with only Rp. 15million in capital.
To start the business, Reza worked with a chip manufacturerin Bandung. Next, he made spicy seasonings of varying levels. Broadly speaking,the products it markets are quite simple.
However, it's not the product that's its strength. Themarketing technique used at that time was very unique. Reza works with manysales to go to many points. Then, Reza notified the whereabouts of the MaicihChips sales via social media.
This technique is now obsolete. Maicih chips can also bepurchased in many places. However, this uniqueness allowed Reza to gainenormous profits.
Most of the Eve are familiar with the cosmetic brand Wardah.This brand is well known in neighboring countries and is one of the favoritecosmetic brands. If you are looking for the maker, the answer is NurhayatiSubakat.
This successful figure also has many stories to tell beforeWardah is this big. Nurhayati did not immediately enter the business world. Aftergraduating from college, he only became an honorary pharmacist with anhonorarium of Rp. 20,000 per month.
She also worked at a local cosmetics company for severalyears before deciding to resign. After that, Nurhayati tried to create her ownbrand with the theme of halal cosmetics. Nurhayati uses natural ingredientswhich are of course safe for the face.
However, this brand has not immediately become as famous asit is now. Only five years later when she was marketing cosmetics, the factorywhere they were made had to be burned down. Even though she was in a downturn,Nurhayati continued to move forward by starting from the beginning again.Evidently all his hard work is paying off now.
That's a series of successful entrepreneur figures fromIndonesia. You too can be like them by cultivating dreams as high as possible.However, you also need aski to make this dream come true.
Start joining Bukalapak Partners to start anonline business now. At Mitra Bukalapak, you can start a business as awholesale agent, PPOB agent, expedition agent, and many more. If you arediligent and consistent, it is not impossible for you to become one of thesuccessful entrepreneurs.